News and Events

Love in a Box - Christmas Shoebox Appeal

Coffee morning on 14th September! SBC are supporting the annual Christmas Shoebox appeal via the Teams4U charity. We work with Teams4U to provide gifts for children in Eastern Europe - things like hats, gloves, soft toys, pencil cases and wash bags - all packed into a shoebox!.


A Prayer for Southport - and a statement from Church leaders

A prayer from the NWBA . Also, Churches Together in England Presidents issue a joint statement in response to the recent violent disorder The Presidents urge churches and communities to work together to put an end to violence, restore peace and heal our nation

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New Government

Prayers for the new government

Let's End Poverty

Follow up to Wednesday group's Lent course

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Christian Aid Week - final total - thank you!

Christian Aid week this year raised funds for work in Burundi.

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Messy Church 0n 19th May - Looking after one another

Our second Messy Church session was great fun.

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World Day of Prayer 2024

The World Day of Prayer is a women led, global, ecumenical movement, which promotes prayerful living and worship for men, women and young people and helps raise awareness of the lives and concerns of others throughout the world, especially those who write the service. In Sandbach churches held two services as part of the Day of Prayer. The theme was from Ephesians 4: 1 – 6. “I beg you, bear with one another in love.”

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Bible Reading Week 2024

As Christians we at SBC encourage you all to put your roots deep into God’s Word, the Bible.

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Church Family Events Programme 2024

Events are for individuals on their own as much as for family groups, and all are welcome to come along.

Tek Ura News

News following Annie and Dan's Zoom "visit".

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I am the vine - All age service

Hearts on a rope as a visual representation of us all on the vine.

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Tek Ura - working to improve the lives of disadvantaged people in Albania

providing the support and opportunities they need to build better lives for themselves and their families.

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JPIT Newsletter for October

Praying for peace in the Holy Land


Love in box for Christmas

160 shoeboxes filled for sending to children for Christmas

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Churches' responses to the violence in Israel and Gaza

Churches are responding with prayers and statements to the violence in Israel and Gaza

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Net Zero - Churches' response to PM's statement

Statement in response to the Prime Minister’s announcement on net zero policies


President's Poem - The Great Banquet

New Baptist Union President, Revd Tim Presswood, of the North Western Baptist Association, introduced his theme at Baptist Assembly

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Refugee Week in June - Compassion was the theme - click for a pic.

Many churches in Britain marked refugee week in June

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Christian Aid Week - over £2000!

A virtual bike ride and a plant sale

God saw that it was good - a reflection from BUEN

The Baptist Union Environment Network - ‘BUEN’, meaning good in Spanish - is a new initiative that aims to raise awareness and respond to the environmental crisis. 

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