Plugged In
Think of your faith as a lamp
With a switch to put it off and on
We can study a lot about Jesus
With aids that help us to learn
Recordings, so we can listen
And books, so we can read
DVDs so that we can see
So many ways our spirit can feed
But an important fact to remember
No matter how you switch off & on
If this is not plugged in at the wall
Then all of it’s use is forgone
Use this comparison in faith
No matter if your knowledge is great
If you’re not plugged into God’s power
It won’t do any good to just wait
Check that you’re plugged into God
Without Him, knowledge is in vain
The lamp of your learning’s no good
Unless His sacrifice, you proclaim
The plug into God’s power you need
To light up your lamp of devotion
Listen only to the teachings of Jesus
It’s the only way to get into heaven
He’s the lamp lighting your way
His words have told us all so
Remember to plug in your lamp
So our Father, His gifts can bestow
Then you must share your light
Be an example for others to see
Ask God to fill you to overflowing
So others will draw close to be free
When others see how you are
They’re going to want some too
You see, Gods love is infectious
And they’ll want to have some, like you
This is how God's love is spread
So don’t hide your light away
Share it with all who will see
God will do the rest when we pray
Laurel Northam
"Lego Lamp" by flowolf is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.