Bible reading week 2025

As Christians we at SBC encourage you all to put your roots deep into God’s Word, the Bible. If you have attended church for some years, you will have heard many Bible stories. One is of particular relevance to all of us who are not Jews. It is the story of how the first non-Jewish Christian, the Roman centurion Cornelius (prompted by an angel), invited the apostle Peter to visit his non-Jewish home in Caesarea and to tell all of Cornelius’ household whatever God wanted them to hear. Cornelius says this to Peter:

‘Now we are all here in the presence of God to listen to everything the Lord has commanded you to tell us.’ [Acts 10 verse 33 (NIV)]

 In the warm spirit of Cornelius and his family, we invite you all to discover and hear for yourself what the Bible has to tell us today.

The calendar week we have chosen begins on Sunday February 16th, but you could choose any later week if necessary.

Here is a link to the reading plan


"2007 07 03 - 1089 - Hallstatt - Salzbergwerk - Salt Lamps" by thisisbossi is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

"Open Bible - Resurrection Chapel - National Cathedral - DC" by Tim Evanson is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.


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