We are open every Tuesday morning during school term time
from 9.30 - 11.30 am
Tots & Co is run by SBC for babies, toddlers and their carers to meet together and enjoy each other's company in a cosy and caring environment.
We have a large and pleasant room, with facilities for changing and feeding babies, and with lots of toys, and friendly helpers.
As well as offering a wide range of toys we sometimes have story time and craft activities.
We do not make a charge, but we encourage you to donate £1 per week to our sponsorship project. We sponsor Rahema, a girl who lives in Ethiopia. All the money put into the "counting jar" is sent to Compassion UK to provide for Rahema's health care and education.
We provide tea, coffee and toast. You are invited to doante towrds the costs, and any proceeds help with the costs of running the group (heat, light, rent etc)
We ask carers to take full responsibility for your children and their behaviour at all times.