We meet at Sandbach Primary Academy every Sunday morning.
We meet at Sandbach Primary Academy every Sunday morning.
Music group - Sing praise to the Lord!
Music group - Sing praise to the Lord!
The sound team relaxing
The sound team relaxing
Men at work!
Men at work!
Saturday Morning Prayer
Saturday Morning Prayer
Wednesday Group
Wednesday Group
discussing "Christ of St.John of the Cross" by Salvador Dali.


Are you a regular church goer?
 Occasional visitor?  
Never been before? 

We meet for worship
on Sunday mornings at 10.30 am

at Sandbach Primary Academy.  *

You will be welcome to join us
and we would love to see you.

No formality - just come as you are.
Enjoy the music, sing praise with us,
enjoy time with God,
learn about living God's way.


* Crewe Road, (off Newall Avenue) CW11 4NS,  Opposite Sandbach School 



We are a community that has Jesus at its heart,
and we would love to share his love with you.

Page updated 21st March 2025



Messy Church - Let's get ready for.... Easter

Everyone Welcome! A creative and fun time worshipping God; craft activities for all ages and abilities, drinks and snacks, Bible stories and an egg hunt! Admission - Free. Saturday 29th March 10:30am – 12:00pm at Oasis Community Centre, 36 Green St, Sandbach CW11 3GX

World Day of Prayer services

The 2025 WDP program invites us into the knowledge that each one of us was made with care and love by God. When we can receive this profound truth, everything in our life changes and we begin to radiate and shine from within. We also learn how to treat every other person as made wonderful by God.

Bible reading week 2025

An invitation to join us in discovering and hearing for yourself what the Bible has to tell us today.

Tek Ura weekend

A visit from our link missionaries - Annie and Dan Dupree - with a Winter Social Evening and a Sunday Service

Events for the church family in 2025

These are events intended both to bless our community and to welcome visitors All events are free (except, of course, for fundraising ones). Not all events are appropriate for everyone, but everyone should find that a number are of interest to them. They also include events of both Urban Saints and (nature walks) of Friends of A Rocha.


This week

Sunday 23rd March 10.30 a.m.

 Morning Service
at Sandbach Primary Academy,
Newall Avenue, off Crewe Road, CW11 4NS

Leader: George Hill       Preacher: Rev. Sue Thompson
"Picturing God the invisible"
John 1:1-5, John 14:8-10a

Tea and coffee will be served after the service.

Recordings of our most recent services
can be found here.



Our midweek activities take place at
the Oasis Centre, 36 Green Street, Sandbach, CW11 1GX


Welcome Bap -  10:00am-12:00 Noon at Oasis


Tots and Co - 9.30 - 11.30 am at Oasis
A friendly group for toddlers and their carers.  
Space is limited so we have a waiting list.  Please call 07522 628921 before turning up!

 Encounter with God - 7:00 pm-8:00pm at Oasis.

Ladies Fellowship - 10.30 am - 12 noon at Oasis

Study  Group - 7.30 - 9.00 pm at Oasis
Lent Study- Mark's Gospel- Jesus enters Jerusalem and teaches in the Temple (Mark 11:1 - 12:44)


Prayer Gathering - 8:30am-9:15am at Oasis.

Messy Church 10:30am-12:00 Noon at Oasis.
[See notice in the newsletter].

If you would like to join any of the midweek groups, please contact Alistair and he will put you in touch with the group leader.

 Monday 24th March
7.30 pm at Oasis - brief Special Church Members’ Meeting, followed immediately by quarterly Ordinary Church Members' Meeting;
see details in the newsletter.


Room Hire

The Oasis Community Centre
where we run our community activities is at

36 Green Street, Sandbach, CW11 1GX

The Centre is available to hire
For information

Latest Newsletter     

A recording of the service will normally be uploaded to the church website by early Sunday afternoon. 


During lockdown we had monthly video  church services.
They are still available are on YouTube,

Link to our YouTube channel

How to find us

Click the link for a map of Sandbach showing Sandbach Primary Academy.


Link to Google maps


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